Not Quite Brownies

Remember yesterday when I said I was exhausted? Yeah I’d say i’m about the same today. I had a killer workout today of shoulders and abs. It was just what I needed that is for sure.  There is nothing more rewarding than pushing through a workout, but today...

Change of Plans

I am happy to report that my arm is no longer hurting and I can bend it out completely straight!! This may seem like a little thing but I am very excited about it! Another exciting thing that happened today – I got some new shoes in! I was very excited to try...

Busy Busy Day

Last night I finally got around to coloring my hair. I was blessed with beginning to turn grey at 15 years old, so since about 16-17 I have had to dye my hair every 6 weeks or so.  I have been putting it off for quite a while now but I knew I needed to just get it...

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