5 Tips for Post Race Recovery

We train for months to get to the start line of the race both mentally and physically. You’ve worked hard, you’ve run your race, and now you’re excited to see what else you can do. Not so fast. It has taken me man years to understand the importance of letting your...

How Do You Recover? {SOS Rehydrate Giveaway}

We all have routines we do before and after a run. Some are personal preference and some are things that we do to ensure proper recovery. Many of these have become second nature for me at this point, but some are things I’ve been trying to incorporate more...

Just What I Needed

The common misconception with runners is that we wake up every morning ready to run. Sunday morning I woke up and really just wanted to get it over with. I had a list a mile long of things I wanted to get done, so all I could think about was getting out there and...

Resuming Workouts Post Marathon

Happy Happy Friday! Oh, I’m so happy it’s here. I’m looking forward to catching up on some much needed sleep this weekend! I feel like I haven’t woken up since Monday. I’m almost 3 weeks post marathon and I finally feel like I am getting a little bit of myself back. I...

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