Recover with The Original Worm {and Giveaway!}

Marathon training, or running in general, can be pretty brutal on your body. Throughout the years I’ve dealt with a plethora of different issues varying in severity. Two common issues I’ve dealt with throughout are: tight calves and tight IT band. They have always...

I Take My Rest Days Seriously

I saw this quote on Jess’ blog this week and I am in love with it. I think it summarizes my training pretty perfectly. You will see me struggle, but you will never see me quit. Regardless of how hard it may be, regardless of how many workouts I feel like I’m...

Slow Down It’s an EASY Day

The easy run is often the most talked about run during training. Why? It’s simple – because it is that important. We put a lot of focus on our tempo runs, speed workouts and long runs that we forget a very important run for any marathon/half-marathon training plan:...

Are You Heading For a Burnout?

Imagine this… You’re having the best training cycle of your life. Your hitting your workouts, your speed is increasing and then all of the sudden everything changes. You notice your pace is slowing, easy pace isn’t so easy anymore, your lacking...

Don’t Downplay Easy Days

Happy Monday! Who is ready for a new week? I’m not quite sure I’m ready, but I don’t think I have much choice in the matter. HA! It doesn’t help that in another week my husband switches to night shift and I don’t think I’m going to...

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