Vacation Check In

Happy Valentine’s Day! Remember me? I am currently still on vacation in Myrtle Beach with my husband. He has a month vacation from medical school so we decided to take a week, get away, and spend time just the two of us. I have taken a bit of a break from...

Changing It Up

I am not going to sugar coat it, this has been a tough week for me exercise wise. I don’t know if it is because I know my vacation is coming up VERY SOON or if it is because I have been so tired lately. I finally made it back to the gym today and got a pretty...

Flash Back

Hello! Remember me!? I know it has been a crazy couple of days. We are having a guest stay with us a couple of nights this week so I have been furiously trying to get this place cleaned, the laundry done, and all the animals to behave. I have been a little...

Flexibility and Shopping

I have learned recently that you have to be flexible when it comes to starting a new workout plan. I mentioned it in yesterday’s post but I have been having a pain in my left elbow along with some swelling. I can’t straighten it all the way out unless I...

Before Pictures

I decided a week ago that I needed to find a way to really hold myself accountable and be able to track the progress of my new weight lifting program I am trying.  If you haven’t read already, I am following Jamie Eason’s LiveFit program with a goal to...

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