Spinning and a Sweet Treat

Today’s Workout – Spinning Total Time: 30 minutes Resistance: 7 I have a new best friend. The spin bike. My super amazing, awesome, perfect husband found a way for me to get my gym membership back. I only went today for about 30 minutes. Wes had to leave...

My First Day of Cross Training

Today’s Workout – Walking Total Time: 20 minutes Incline: 5% Average Pace: 3.6 I haven’t put a workout in my posts in a while, so thought I would throw that in. I wish I had some amazing awesome story to share with you on my first day of cross...

Rowing and New iPod Songs

My Saturday started off a little different then normal.  I didn’t get up and start taking energy chews, drinking my pre-workout drink, or get my body ready for a long run. Instead I: 1. Took the dog for a short walk (it’s pouring here!) 2. Dropped the...

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