Learning to Adapt to a Slower Pace

Learning to Adapt to a Slower Pace

Running has always consisted of highs and lows for me, with a majority falling somewhere in between. If you’ve been running long enough you probably have dealt with setbacks or periods of time where your body has to slow down. I don’t like to refer to pregnancy as a...
Dealing with Pregnancy Emotions

Dealing with Pregnancy Emotions

My blog has primarily been about running and I plan to keep it that way, but for today I’m going to veer off track a bit and talk about something that’s been on my mind a bit lately. The past couple weeks have been tough for me. I’ve felt good, but my hormones have...
Can vs. Should – Learning the Hard Way

Can vs. Should – Learning the Hard Way

It’s a funny thing running. No matter how long I’ve been doing it, it always seems to teach me a lesson. Even the ones you would think by now I should know. You may remember from my Week 26 Pregnancy Recap that on Saturday I had a really great run of 11 miles. I had...

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