This is the FINAL week in my 2nd trimester. As of Monday, I will officially be in the 3rd trimester! That is so hard for me to believe! I am going to be seeing the doctor every 2 weeks now and that kind of set reality in for me when she told me that. The time is flying by but thankfully over the past week we have really made some progress on getting things ready for this little man to arrive. Overall, I still feel pretty good and I really can’t complain in general.
Here is a look at week 27!
Baby in Week 27
27 Weeks: This week our little guy is the size of a cucumber and is roughly 15 inches and 2.2 lbs.
Each week I am definitely feeling bigger and bigger, but that means he is growing! Keep growing strong little one! I wasn’t really feeling pictures this week, can you tell?
Weight Gained: I had my 27 week appointment on Wednesday and was finally able to get an updated weight. I am currently up about 17 lbs. I was honestly surprised it wasn’t more because I felt like I grew quite a lot in 4 weeks. However; seeing that number on the scale was a reminder of maybe why running is getting more difficult. That’s 17 more lbs of force on my body each run!
Symptoms: I could just copy and paste this each week. The only real symptom I’m experiencing is still just being really tired. I’ve just come to live with it and expect it. Most days are fine, but when I have a lot going on I notice that my body just gets really exhausted at the end of the day.
Food Aversions: None. I will pretty much eat anything at any time!
Food Cravings: I still love my ice cream, and when I say loving I mean LOVING! At some points it has gotten a bit out of control so I’ve had to tone it down a little bit. I’ve noticed my stomach is definitely smaller now so even when I do want something I get full much quicker than I used to. This makes it essential that I eat at least 5 small meals a day so I am getting in enough otherwise if I don’t eat enough and try to make up for it later in the day I end up feeling sick.
Sleep: Eh. It hasn’t been awful this week but just a bit restless at times. I’ve noticed I get much warmer at night and that wakes me up a lot along with the trips to the bathroom. Overall though, this week has been a bit better than the previous ones.
Baby Items Purchased: We’ve got some of the bigger things but I think we will wait until after our shower to finish the rest. We are definitely making some progress though! I feel a little more at ease though I know we still have some big things to check off our list.
Exciting Things Happening This Week: We got the nursery painted! This was a BIG thing! My parents and husband helped on Monday and we got it done in one day. That was probably the biggest thing pending on my to-do list.
We changed it from a bright yellow to a light grey. We know we will possibly be moving in a year so we wanted something neutral but that I could accent with colors from the curtains, wall art, and other items in the room. It turned out really nice and clean!
The picture makes it a little hard to see.
On top of the nursery progress, I also passed my glucose test! I wasn’t too worried but you never know with these things so that was fun to get out of the way!
Looking forward To: I think the biggest thing I am looking forward to is just getting things ready in our house for him. Our baby shower will be almost a month from now which is also exciting! Things are really starting to come together!
Running in Week 27
Running wasn’t too bad this week but I had to scale things back because of my leg. The good news is my leg is feeling a lot better. I was able to do a semi-workout on Wednesday without any issues. I still cut back my long run because I’m set on sticking with the no double digit runs anymore. Aerobically I know I could do it but I know my body just can’t take the pounding from being out there that length of time. It’s been hard for me swallow for some reason, but I know it’s the right decision.

Processed with Snapseed.
Here is a breakdown of my running this week:
Monday –5.05 miles outside
Tuesday – 4.13 miles outside
Wednesday – 6.2 miles on the treadmill
Thursday – 4.14 miles outside
Friday – 9.20 miles on the treadmill
Saturday – Off
Sunday – 6 miles
We had to switch things around a bit this week again. We had the burial service for my husband’s grandmother Saturday morning so knew it would make an early long run day. Wes had a workout that required him running outside of the normal areas we run in when it’s still dark out, so I opted to help him out and follow for parts in the car.
I moved my long run to Friday in order to be able to be there. I wasn’t really looking forward to this run going in because I knew it’d be on the treadmill; however, it actually went pretty well. For the most part my body felt recovered the worst thing about it was simply getting bored after a while.

Processed with Snapseed.
My miles were lower this week than the past month or so, but only by about 2 miles and I’m OK with that. One day at a time and just doing what I can!
How did your running go this week?
It went great! In running the Portland marathon on a few weeks as a training run, followed by my first 50k a few weeks later. Had a 22 mile training run yesterday and felt awesome at the end!
Wow that’s awesome! Not sure I’ve ever felt at the end of 22 miles! You ROCK! Good luck in your training!