I’ve been thinking a lot about goals lately. This week has really slowed down my running. I mean not a ton, but it’s made it more difficult. I find myself getting discouraged and frustrated. To some looking in it may seem crazy that I’m discouraged – I’m growing a human being after all right!? Yes, this is true but for someone who is used to pushing through just about anything it can be hard when you know you can’t always push anymore.

In order for me to truly let myself rest, I’ve had to let go of a lot of worry about future goals. My goal through pregnancy was simply to maintain a base for 9-10 months until our little boy arrived. I’ve been blessed that for the most part it has gone smoothly. I’ve maintained what I could and cut back throughout as I needed to.


As his due date approaches (it’s crazy to think that he will be here before Christmas) I have so many emotions going through me.

  • How will I learn everything I need to know?
  • How will I balance being a new mom and running?
  • How will I balance work, being a new mom, and running?
  • Will I be a good Mom?

All of these may sound crazy but are all thoughts that have gone through my head. I set the goal to run the Boston Marathon 4 months postpartum because it has been a dream of mine for as long as I have been running. I worked hard for months and months to get there and even though I was more than happy to miss last year due to the circumstances, I really do want to run it.

I believe fully in still keeping your dreams alive. This is still very much a dream that I hope to make come true in 4 months. I know I won’t be in my best shape, or run my fastest marathon, but I know that I can be strong and ready to toe that line in 4 months if I do things right and focus on the small things.

Goals are what help us continue to strive for better. They are what keep us focused even on the hardest days at doing what you can. I know going into this I am going to have to have a completely different outlook than I have in the past, and that is okay. Sometimes the things that are the biggest challenges are the most rewarding!

I guess this long rant was simply to let you all know we are all human. I’m scared, I’m excited, I’m motivated, I’m struggling, and I’m all of those things all wrapped up into one. New chapters of life are exciting but also terrifying! It’s OK to feel both at the same time.


Moving on a bit – let’s catch up a bit on life shall we?

We are making some serious progress on our nursery. We have a few more items to figure out and things to hang on the wall, but now at least if he were to make an early appearance (which I doubt will happen) he’d be pretty much set. I feel like my mind is running a mile a minute sometimes with all the things I want to get done before he gets here. I just wish my energy levels would agree!


How is it I’ve had 9 months to get all this stuff done and now all the sudden in the last 4 weeks I have a list a mile long that still needs to happen?


Running is going well. I’ve cut back a lot because it is a lot more pressure especially for longer runs. Some days I feel great and others I feel awful. I just try to take it a day at a time especially during this last month as I know so many changes are happening so fast.


Still feeling happy to just be ABLE to run, but have a feeling more spinning and walking may be in my future as these weeks progress.


How is your week going?

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