Each time I write these now I’ll be wondering which one will be my last pregnancy update. There were many bets taken at Thanksgiving on when our little boy will arrive. Personally, I think he’s going to keep cooking until at least 40 weeks, but he could surprise us all! However, we all know things can change quickly so I’m just enjoying these times at 38 weeks pregnant.

It was a little bittersweet but super exciting to realize that Thanksgiving was the last “just the two of us” holiday. Christmas will be a lot different but we couldn’t be more excited and are anxiously awaiting his arrival whenever he decides it is time.

I’ll be talking more with my OB in next week’s appointment as to the plan. I don’t know how far they will let me go past my due date but we are just on alert now and ready to go should anything happen. I’m ready but I want to make sure he is ready!

Here’s a look at 38 weeks pregnant:


Baby in Week 38 

38 Weeks: This week our little guy is the size of a winter melon and is roughly 19.6 inches and 6.6 lbs.

38 Weeks Pregnant

Things are definitely getting uncomfortable especially when I am sitting for a longer period of time. He is running out of room and I am feeling it!


Weight Gained: As of my appointment last Wednesday I was up 28 lbs. After Thanksgiving I’m guessing that has increased, but we will see! I’m not worrying about weight at this point. We are so close to due date now that my body will do what it needs.


Symptoms: I am noticing a bit more swelling this week. Everything is normal in the morning when I wake up but then as the day continues slowly but surely my legs, face, hands, and sometimes it feels like my arms swell a bit. It hasn’t been anything too awful so I can’t complain. Sleeping has been hit or miss. I slept the best I have in a long time Thanksgiving night, but of course had to get up to go to work early. As of my last OB appointment I was still very slightly dilated and 50% effaced, so no much change within the week.


Food Aversions:  I still don’t have any big food aversions. Anything I didn’t really care for before pregnancy I still don’t care for but nothing out of the ordinary.


Food Cravings:  In honor of Thanksgiving, all I could think about all week was pumpkin pie. I made this recipe and it was delicious and definitely a hit with other pumpkin pie fans at our table! We still have half a pie left in the refrigerator which means it probably won’t make it through the weekend!


Sleep:  It’s still hit or miss. I slept really good Thanksgiving night, but of course had to get up early to go to work. If I could ever figure out a way to get comfortable for more than 20-30 minutes at a time that would help, but I’m just rolling with the punches. The positive side of it is that I am getting a lot done in the early morning when I get up because I can’t sleep anymore! I’m so much more productive in the morning.


Baby Items Purchased: We haven’t purchased anything new. At this point, I think we are set! I am going to be working on a nursery tour this weekend for you all!


Exciting Things Happening This Week:  At this point, we are just waiting for his arrival! Everything is pretty much done. We did get our Christmas tree and set it up this weekend so decorating in our household is pretty much done!


Looking forward To: His arrival! I think that is going to be the main thing from here on out. I am enjoying soaking up these last days with my hubby as well.


Running in Week 38

Still no running and there won’t be until after he arrives. I’m OK with it and have enjoyed the extra time in some ways to be more productive and get a few things done before he gets here! I just try to focus on one day at a time and still try to focus on keeping my body strong and ready for delivery.


Obviously, here is the breakdown but there is no running:


Monday – 0 miles

Tuesday – 0 miles

Wednesday – 0 miles

Thursday – 0 miles

Friday – 0 miles

Saturday – 0 miles

Sunday – 0 miles


I am HOPING to possibly get in a few spin sessions done this week. I’m on the fence about it because my pain has significantly reduced (as it usually does after a good 2 weeks of rest) but I also don’t want to do anything that would cause the pain to come back prior to delivery. Still on the fence but I’ll try to feel it out a bit better next week.

Pregnant Running

Since I can’t run I love to hear about YOUR running to so tell me…

How did your running go this week?

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