I started this week with high hopes of a simple slow week. You know how one little thing can completely throw you out of whack? Yep, as of Wednesday things just went crazy. That’s life right?

First off, thank you for all your sweet comments on my Chicago plan and goals. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t still terrified, but I’m ready to put in the work to see what happens. That’s all you can do!



I thought today I’d share a little bit of some of the thoughts and feelings that I have gone through my mind while starting marathon training. Most of these thoughts are ones that I feel every time, and I have heard from others as well.  It will show you that you are not alone at all!


I am going to do EVERYTHING right this time around!

I’ve already said this a couple times. I still have every intention of doing the things I so often miss. I’ve already completed 2-3 strength/weight workouts this week. I’ve done core work 3 mornings.  My diet has been on point. Overall, I’ve started strong.


The reality is, sometimes you can and sometimes you can’t. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t have time for everything. Focus on the most important things and do what you can. If I only have time for one thing, I will do core work. A strong core I believe can add a huge benefit to your running performance and health.


Why did I do this!?

One of the first thoughts I have after 1-2 marathon workouts. Your goal sounds really exciting when you are thinking about it. The first day arrives and you’re motivated and ready to go! Then after 1-2 workouts you begin to realize how far you’ve got to go.

Don’t worry, you can get there!


I’m tired

Marathon training can be exhausting. You are focused and goal driven so sometimes you even forget that you are so tired. I think from waking up so early in the morning my body has gotten used to being tired, but that doesn’t mean you need to skip taking care of yourself!


Hanson’s Method is all about cumulative fatigue. It expects you and wants you to be tired and then run long or a workout on tired legs. It sucks some days, but it was what definitely made me run my strongest marathon ever last December.

It’s okay to be tired; it’s part of the game!


It will be worth it when I cross the Finish Line!

If you look at my Kiawah Island Marathon finish line photos (which I don’t recommend ha!) my face can pretty much tell it all. I look like I am about to cry in 80% of them.

Crossing the finish line, especially when I’ve accomplished a big goal, is always very emotional for me. When I’m having a tough day I’ll think about that moment, and sometimes that is the little extra boost to keep me going!


There is no way I can run that pace for 26.2 miles.

I said this the other day while Wes and I were in the car, and was reminded that I had said the same thing on the last go around. Holding a 7:26 pace right now for 26.2 miles seems crazy. Holding an 8:00 pace for 26.2 miles seemed crazy last time too, but I did it!

You have 16-18 weeks for training for a purpose. If you put in the effort you will work your way towards your goal. You may not get it the first time, but you are progressing.

Those are the most common thoughts I’ve had going through my mind as I start another round of marathon training. Some positive, some negative, but it’s important to remind ourselves that it’s normal. We all have doubt, we all have things that motivate us, and the key is using both of those to fuel us through the training.


What is one thought that goes through your head when you start marathon training?

Which run do you love/hate the most?

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