It is time for an honest post.

As you all know my greatest struggle has always been food. I love food. I always have and I always will.

The hardest part of food for me has always been the weekend.  I work really hard during the week so when the weekend comes I am ready to relax, let loose, and not always worry about what I am eating.

I normally have always worked my food around the weekends – I limit myself so I can go all out on the weekends. I have been doing this wrong.

This past weekend I let myself go a little bit too much. I went to sleep on Sunday night feeling awful and crazy bloated because I didn’t control myself. I have to get it under control, but I have to still let myself cheat a little bit.

This is the plan that I have come up with to battle the weekend:

1. We usually go out to eat Friday and Saturday. These are always going to be healthy and lean choices no matter what.  There will be times when I will cheat this a little but rare.

2. I am allowed one small treat on both Friday and Saturday night.

3. I need to keep up with my food tracking even on the weekends.

4. If I have alcohol on the weekend I will limit it to ONE drink ONE meal.

I have to get a control over my food binging and it can’t control me. I do so well during the week that I can’t let my hard work go to waste on the weekend.  It is about balance, eating healthy, and keeping active.

Tonight I did a small workout before heading home – 4 miles on the treadmill.

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I followed it by some fun time playing with the hubby and puppy.

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It has been so beautiful here lately I have really taken advantage of it. Tomorrow I have off since I work this Saturday (AGAIN) so I plan to be outside as much as possible.


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