As I mentioned in my previous post, I would keep a food journal for the week and record it on my blog.

Breakfast: 1/2 cup greek yogurt and a full banana
Lunch: 1 hard boiled egg, 1/2 sweet potato, and broccoli
After Workout: 1/2 scoop of chocolate protein powder
Dinner: Vanilla Protein Concoction: vanilla protein powder, egg whites, almond milk, and oats
Before Bed: BCAA drink mixed with Crystal Light (mojito flavor!)

Breakfast: 1/2 cup greek yogurt and a full banana. I put a little honey on top for flavor.
Lunch: 1 can tuna, broccoli, and 1/2 sweet potato
After Workout: Protein Shake (full scoop)
Dinner: Spinach and apple Grilled Chicken Salad (birthday dinner at O’Charleys)
After Dinner: vanilla frozen yogurt with strawberries and raspberries on top (treat)
Before Bed: BCAA drink mixed with Crystal Light

There you go – there are my first two days worth of food journaling.  I cheated a TINY bit today just because it is my birthday so I let myself have a nice dinner out with my husband after a good workout.

I am having a bit of a “bitter sweet” birthday today. I am turning 27, which to most seems young and it IS, but I also realize I am 3 years away from 30 and honestly that scares me just a little! Thankfully I have a wonderful husband, friends, and family who have really made this a special birthday.

Birthday HR

Even my heart rate monitor reminded me it was my birthday today! How special 🙂

I am off to spend the rest of the evening with my hubby and animals. Goodnight!


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