Quick Post-Run Strength Routine

I know as runners we often struggle with strength. Sure, we know we all need to do it but it is one of the first things that most of us let go to the wayside when things get busy. I could only be talking about myself, but regardless sometimes it’s easy to let...

Treadmill Speed Workout and Pure LYFT

Seriously where is the time going? Yesterday  marked exactly 2 weeks until Wes’ medical school graduation. Which means about 2.5 weeks until we are packing up and heading out. These next two weeks are going to be busy busy busy! This morning we headed to the gym...

How to Prepare for a Workout

The winner of the Mama Chia giveaway is Colette Reilly! Congrats Colette. Email me at saralovingontherun{at}gmail{dot}com and we will get your prizes on their way to you!   Mondays are always workout days in our house. Always have been. Wes and I don’t...

Create Beauty With Your Attitude

Yesterday morning I got up after a very wonderful but quick Saturday evening. I worked until 7:00 pm and by the time we ate dinner and got home I felt like my entire Saturday had flown by. I completed my last workout for the week Sunday morning. The workout called...

Increased Lumbar Lordosis

Good morning! Yesterday was such a whirl wind for me I don’t even really remember much of it. I spent most of the morning trying to get myself woken up. I guess I had some Monday blues. That and I feel a little bit overwhelmed of the amount of work I need to get...

Working Through the Weekend

You have a few more days to enter my Reebok ZQuick Giveaway! Don’t miss out!   You know how everyone uses the phrase “working for the weekend” while my life looks more like “working through the weekend.” I’m babysitting  all day Friday and Saturday (10:20 –...

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