It’s hard to believe that I started these weekly recaps when I was 14 weeks pregnant. The idea of actually having our little boy seemed so far away. Now I am 33 weeks and the time is quickly approaching. I truly understand what others have said when they talk about how quickly these last weeks go by. I felt like first trimester was so slow, and then ever since then things have sped up way too quickly.

Here is a look at week 33!


Baby in Week 33

33 Weeks: This week our little guy is the size of celery and is roughly 17.2 inches and 4.19 lbs.


The reality that I could have a 4 lb baby inside makes me realize why running and just things in general are getting to be a BIT harder!

Sorry for the bad lighting. It was late when we took the picture and my shirt doesn’t show the bump very well, but oh well I’ll take it for 33 weeks.


Weight Gained: I was supposed to have an appointment this past Thursday, but my OB had an emergency so I don’t go now until next week. I don’t weigh myself at home so I don’t have an update for you but I’m almost positive I’m up another couple pounds since my last way in, but I guess we will have to wait until next week to confirm for sure.


Symptoms: I’m still having some Braxton hicks contracts and just really tired all the time. I think the more the weeks go by the more tired I get. I know it’s just part of it for me, so it doesn’t bother me as much anymore. The only knew (and sometimes quite unnerving) symptom I have had this week is cramping. It’s mild and off and on but just uncomfortable at times. It happens mostly in the evening.


Food Aversions:  None. Nope. I could eat pretty much anything you put in front of me, or at least try. I’ve had some days of crazy hunger this week too. I just stick to my eating every 2-3 hours and that seems to help along with small meals so my stomach doesn’t hurt.


Food Cravings:  I don’t really have any specific cravings anymore. I’ve never really had anything crazy throughout this pregnancy so far, but when I want a certain food sometimes it’s just more intense. Still eating pretty healthy while allowing myself to enjoy the things I want!


Sleep:  I could just quit filling this one out at this point, but sleep is still hit or miss. I wake up a lot during the night, need multiple bathroom breaks, and struggle to turn from one side to the other. Just like with feeling tired a lot I’m getting used to it and just try to get what I can when it comes to sleep at this point.


Baby Items Purchased: Aside from the awesome items we got in our baby shower, we also bought our crib last Sunday! I was so excited. We still have several big items left, but we are doing them in small pieces and slowly getting things set up.


Exciting Things Happening This Week:  It was a pretty quiet week on all things baby aside from getting our crib finally and getting it set up.


Looking forward To: I am having my work baby shower this coming week so that’s pretty exciting! I also do look forward to my rescheduled appointment Thursday. It’s always nice to check on little man.



Running in Week 33

Still chugging along when it comes to running. I’ve been keeping a pretty steady schedule. My runs earlier in the week seem to be better, but as the lack of restful sleep catches up to me those Wednesday and Thursday runs have turned out to be harder than expected. In the next couple weeks I foresee my schedule changing to running every other day and spinning in between, but we are just playing it day by day at this point.


Here is a breakdown of my running this week:


Monday – 5.2 miles on the treadmill

Tuesday – 4.13 miles outside

Wednesday – 5.2 miles on the treadmill

Thursday – 4.12 miles outside

Friday – Off

Saturday – 8.13 miles outside

Sunday – 5 miles


Monday’s run was probably the best. I think that has a lot to do with the extra sleep over the weekend. Even though it was on the treadmill it went surprisingly well. The treadmill has actually gotten harder lately I think because it has warmed up so much. Even with two fans blowing on me as soon as I start getting too hot I feel sick. Running outside has gone a lot better.


Saturday I ran another 8 miles. It definitely is getting harder and even with the support belt my belly is becoming more sore afterwards. I am hoping to be able to keep these longer runs up as long as I can but I’m wondering if they will slowly have to cut back until this little boy arrives. Only time will tell!



How did your running go this week?

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