Finding Speed Postpartum {5k Training Week 1}

Finding Speed Postpartum {5k Training Week 1}

I wanted to start 5k training not only to help mix things up but also to help start working on speed again postpartum. Losing my speed during pregnancy was tough, but what has been a bit tougher for me is the process of getting it back. Speed is tough and takes a lot...

5 Misconceptions About Runners

Have you ever seen those memes that depict what others think of the things you do? It’s funny, kind of truthful, but got me thinking a bit. Do others really understand the truth about running? The answer is most likely no. It’s not a bad thing; before I started...

Resuming Workouts Post Marathon

Happy Happy Friday! Oh, I’m so happy it’s here. I’m looking forward to catching up on some much needed sleep this weekend! I feel like I haven’t woken up since Monday. I’m almost 3 weeks post marathon and I finally feel like I am getting a little bit of myself back. I...

Weekly Recap and Running Around the Web

I can’t tell you how good it feels to be back on a running schedule. Of course, still taking it slow and easing back into it but to have a normal running schedule makes me happy. Last week I loved sleeping until 6:00 AM, but for some reason every morning at work I had...

Track Love

One of unfortunate things about doing a lot of my runs before the sun comes up is the lack of the track in my life. I’ve been missing it a lot. We got back from the beach on Sunday, but I had taken Monday off from work. I am really glad I did because I got a lot...

The Truth About Workouts

I’ve got a secret to share with you all today… It’s not really a secret, more of a revelation I have come to this week. Maybe it won’t be news to you, but when I came to terms with it, my mindset changed. Workouts aren’t meant to destroy...

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