Week 30 is almost complete! It’s hard to believe that we really are on the final countdown now. It’s been a pretty exhausting week between just the normal pregnancy exhaustion and work. The end of a quarter is always a rough time at work, and for some reason it falling on a Friday really took it out of me. Enough about that, let’s take a look at this past week.
Here is a look at week 30!
Baby in Week 30
30 Weeks: This week our little guy is the size of a zucchini and is roughly 15.7 inches and 2.9 lbs.
Yep, feeling much bigger and noticing it in the day to day tasks I do. Not to mention in running. Did I mention I find it a lot less fun to take these pictures now! Ha!
Weight Gained: I will have another appointment next week, so I don’t have an update on that this week. Last week I was up 18 lbs and if I could guess I’d say I’m up another 1-2 just from the looks of my belly, but I’ll know for sure next Thursday.
Symptoms: This week has brought on a few new symptoms. Little man has decided he likes to sit on m diaphragm more often and it makes it difficult for me to breath. I notice it more when I’m sitting down and thankfully it hasn’t happened to me yet while I am running. I also have had nausea come back to me this week. I have no idea why because I didn’t deal with it much during the 1st trimester but now all of the sudden I’ve been feeling worse.
Food Aversions: On Monday and Tuesday of this week I went to eat my afternoon banana with peanut butter and it was awful. I felt like I had to gag it down. The same thing happened to me with a chicken salad I had brought for lunch one day this week. I don’t know what it is or what is going on, but I’m surprised to have these odd aversions so late into this pregnancy.
Food Cravings: I don’t have any real big food cravings this week. I’ve noticed that I can’t eat as much as I used to at one sitting and if I do eat too much it is really uncomfortable. I am trying even more to break my meals down into smaller ones. It’s been a bit tricky to ensure I’m getting enough without making myself feel sick, but we are slowly getting there.
Sleep: Oh sleep. I don’t think we are going to have a normal relationship again for many years. I still go to bed at a decent hour but end up waking up every 2 hours. I struggle to get comfortable and some nights even though I’m EXHAUSTED all day it takes me a really long time to go to sleep. It’s a very day to day thing and I’ve just learned to roll with it.
Baby Items Purchased: We’ve put a halt to baby item purchases until after my baby shower on October 15th. Then we will be able to evaluate what we need and finish things up. I’m hoping that after that we can get our nursery finalized and I will feel much better about having things ready for his arrival.
Exciting Things Happening This Week: There wasn’t anything too exciting this week. I’ve been feeling him becoming much more active. I just love feeling his little kicks it’s a soft reminder that everything is OK.
Looking forward To: This coming week we will be traveling to Chicago for my husband to run the marathon! It’s going to be a LONG trip, but I’m really looking forward to it! I also have another appointment, but it won’t be anything out of the ordinary.
Running in Week 30
This was my first week of a real cutback. As you already know, my body just isn’t responding like it was and the increased size is making running much more difficult on my body. It is still important for me to keep a base as long as I can so at this point I’m just trying to get in what I can.
Here is a breakdown of my running this week:
Monday – 5.2 miles on the treadmill, 10 minutes spinning
Tuesday – 4.12 miles outside
Wednesday – 4.2 miles on the treadmill, 15 minutes spinning
Thursday – 4.13 miles outside
Friday – Off
Saturday – 8.14 miles outside
Sunday – 6 miles
Sunday isn’t set in stone. It’s going to be more by feel but sometimes during the weekends I am able to get more in. I haven’t been feeling well this weekend so running hasn’t been easy. I’ve just gone with the flow and tried to let my body dictate what it can handle.

Processed with Snapseed.
Saturday’s run was tough. I wasn’t feeling all that great but I just focused on taking it one mile at a time and stopped and walked when I needed to. It felt nice to not be rushed to get to work and running during the day light!
It’s hard to imagine how much harder it’s going to get each week as I continue to get bigger. I’m happy with the mileage I’m still doing but know it will be cutting back slowly but surely. Next week we will be in Chicago so I’m not sure a long run will happen, but that’s okay! Just going to do what I can.
How did your running go this week?
You continue to amaze me each week! I strapped on a hydration vest for my run this past weekend, and it felt heavy at ~7 lbs. I can’t believe the miles that you have maintained at 30 weeks with your center of gravity up front with that little baby. GREAT JOB!
You did great keeping up running for so long into your pregnancy. I started out able to maintain my mileage but sickness and nausea in the first trimester put all running to a halt for a while. Now I’m slowly trying to build back up to a base that I can maintain, but its difficult.