We have only 3 months until this little boy is expected to arrive. I really don’t know how that happened! It’s exciting and terrifying all at once but I’m just trying to take it a day at a time and just do what I can do. I have to say though between the realization of how close we are and the kicking I can say that this is really starting to feel REAL!

Week 24 wasn’t anything too exciting to report, but we’ve made some progress in a few ways.


Baby in Week 24 

24 Weeks: This week our baby boy is the size of an ear of corn. He is measuring around 8.5 inches and weight around 1.5 lbs.

Photo Aug 20, 7 40 05 PM

We had a tough time with photos this week and this was the best I got. Ha!

I can say that I can’t wait for the weather to cool down some, which I think it is supposed to do next week!


Weight Gained: I haven’t weighed myself since my doctor’s appointment at 23 weeks. I was up about 13 lbs then so I am guessing I’m around 14-15 lbs now. I think they expect you to gain about 1 lb per week in the 2nd trimester so that would be about right. I don’t weigh myself much between appointments, so I will get an exact update when I go in for my next appointment on September 7th.


Symptoms: The biggest symptom so far is just exhaustion. It isn’t going away and I don’t expect it to. I think this guy just wants to prepare me for what is to come! I did start having some Braxton Hicks contractions this week, but just a few. They scared me at first but after talking with others and my doctor it seems they are completely normal as long as they stay sporadic. I am just focusing on keeping hydrated.


Food Aversions: None! I still want to eat pretty much everything that is in sight.


Food Cravings: Nothing in particular this week. The foods I normally want I still do, but there isn’t anything that has really been standing a part.


Sleep: I have been sleeping well this week, which means sleeping pretty consistently except for 1-2 bathroom breaks at night. However; when I wake up I still never feel rested. I’m pretty sure my body could stay in bed all day if I let it. I have fallen asleep at my desk multiple times this week which is a blast, but just try to take it a day at a time and get up and walk around as often as I can.


Baby Items Purchased: Let’s see we have: an ExerSaucer, several clothing items, books, my breast pump, and a few other miscellaneous items. We also have our paint color and will be tackling getting our nursery painted over Labor Day weekend.


Exciting Things Happening This Week:  He’s been kicking a lot more this week. It’s still sporadic but when I drink cold things or after I eat he tends to come awake. It’s always an amazing thing to feel.


Looking forward To: My wonderful family has started planning a shower which has thankfully put a little bit of a fire under us to get our registry started. Unfortunately, this summer has just been crazy and we seem to have something every weekend. We’ve also got to get that done over Labor Day weekend so we are going to be go-go-go! Thank goodness for long weekends!


Running in Week 24

Running has been about the same this week. Some days were really hard and some days weren’t bad. It’s funny the days I ran less miles tended to be my harder days. I just went and ran what my body could that day.

Photo Aug 20, 9 14 17 AM

I also stuck to strength work every day I ran. I don’t do more than 10 minutes on most days and some days will maybe go 15-20 but that’s the max. Just to help build up some strength without making myself too sore.

Here is a breakdown of my running this week:

Screen Shot 2016-08-20 at 7.44.50 PM

Monday – 7.2 miles on treadmill AM, 2 mile walk PM

Tuesday – 4.10 miles outside

Wednesday – 6.2 miles on the treadmill AM, 15 minutes spinning PM

Thursday – 4.10 miles outside

Friday – Off

Saturday – 8.25 miles on the treadmill, 2 miles outside (total 10.25 miles)

Sunday – 6 miles


Saturday was another tough workout for husband and I knew he really wanted to hit it. I decided to get up early before him and run so that I could help give him water. This heat and humidity is no joke and I know how hard it can be to try to hit workouts.

Photo Aug 20, 9 15 16 AM

I decided to get up and do the first and biggest part on the treadmill. I needed to be off by 7:30 AM to help him, so I was able to get in 8.25 miles in. Once he had started I knew I had enough time where I was waiting to get in a couple more miles. I just did 2 easy miles and called it a day. I think the treadmill is going to be in my future a lot more these last 15 weeks.


How did your running go this week?

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