I am happy to say that I am getting ready to start a BRAND NEW WEEK.  I will not be focusing on the past week or what has gone on. I am only going to be focusing on the future and what is to come.  The husband and I have both dealt with a lot in the past couple weeks, and it is time to start turning things around.

I am back with a new product review!

push logo

Today I am going to be reviewing a product I have been using for a month or so now.  It is Push Recovery’s Muscle Recovery and Endurance Formula.  The suggested usage is to take one serving during exercise and another immediately following.  I have used this product primarily during my workouts.  I try to save this for a when I know I have a particularly harder workout ahead of me and may need something to help me get through it.

Here is a look at all the wonderful ingredients:

Push Recovery

Mixing Ability: I really love how easily this mixes with water. I know it is something simple, but I usually have to keep this powder in a bottle almost all day and need it to mix quickly when I bring it to the gym with me.  After adding the water it takes maybe 3-5 shakes and the powder has completely dissolved. One very important thing to remember when using this mix is to mix it with at least 20 ounces of water.  That is the recommended amount, but many times I would find myself adding more water as I was drinking because it was pretty strong.

Flavor: I loved the flavor! It is watermelon and delicious. As I mentioned under mixing ability the flavor can be a little strong so I would recommend mixing it with a little over the recommended 20 ounces of water.

Effects: I have only taken this as a “during workout” drink.  I use it when I know I have a tougher or longer workout as an addition to my normal water.  I don’t feel any crazy effects like tingling or jitters, but I don’t want to feel those things.  I do notice when I take this during my workouts that I don’t get tired quite as quickly.  It seems to keep me focused and helps to avoid muscle fatigue and soreness.  I imagine that if you took this after your workout as well it would help to repair and restore your muscles between your workouts.

Pre, During, Post

The bottle on the left is actually the powder pre-water.  I use a large protein shaker so that I can put a good amount of water in with it.

Pricing: You can visit Push Recovery’s Website to purchase. One bottle is $44.99 and is 23 servings.  I do wish the bottle had more servings in it for the price, but I can say this is a product that I will be buying again once I run out of the sample that was sent to me..

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